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How to survive the 8th grade at AdVENTURE


Dear student that is reading this,


8th grade was a great year. Full of so many memories. Even though I have more to come with high school, this year has been the best. For teachers, students, sports, and the class we have together, the program is full of communication; communicating with your classmates, students from other classes; it’s like you never stop talking. But because they make you talk so much, you have a great skill. During presentations, most people will be scared, but this program makes you present every project so you can’t be scared.


At the beginning of the year, Oh what a great time! Seeing all your friends, both new and old teachers again. How fun can that be. Until you meet a teacher that got hired three days before the first day of school. You think that she won’t be as good the other teachers who have been here for a while of the teacher that got hired before the year started. She was good, but this was her first time teaching 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. She had only taught high school. Everything you're doing that is new for us, was new for her. It was like learning from a student teacher, learning as you learn. It was a fun experience for all of us. While most teachers come together in a group to make one example, she used Ms.Garcia's example and made her own. She started the year as Mrs. Edwards-Wright and ended the year as Mrs. Edwards-Meegodage. Most teachers wouldn’t take on the job she had.


The easiest part of 8th grade was more at the end of the year. When I got used to the teacher’s, class got easier and easier. But the most difficult part was at the beginning of the year when we got a new teacher. Adjusting to new teachers while we have the old ones is difficult in some ways but not difficultin other ways. You meet a teacher you like and then meet a teacher you don’t like. But then you seem to like both teachers. Yay! The year was really fun for all of us.


I like the way the teachers teach. I like it because they all teach different. One will make you write stuff down on paper. The other will make you write stuff down on the computer. Teacher have stuff due every week like birdbrain or blogs. So some of the stuff is fun, but blogs, writing them every week is really boring. Just make sure that the blog you are writing is on the right blog. I had times where I wrote my engineering blog on my science blog. Then I got a zero. “Once a zero, always a zero”, the teachers tell you. Take it into consideration.  


I didn’t really have rules for the 8th grade. I kinda just went with the flow. My time went great, I don’t suggest that you do the same unless you kinda wanna pass. It’s not a 4.0 but a 3.0. 8th grade was great because it’s was your last year at AdVENTURE. But then comes highschool with many more memories and many more friends. Sometimes it’s sad leaving a school. You meet the teachers you love and meet new ones. Sometimes you have to leave friends that you will probably never see again. But you meet new ones. So my time was great at AdVENTURE, but sometimes you have to a great place to meet a greater one. Highschool here we come! You better be ready for the time of your life. We might shake you around a little bit, but you can handle it. Have fun with your years here.


Signing Off  - Jaxson Frando   Last single class at AdVENTURE

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