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The Uni-Flator is the sleepwaer that's make you into a human ball. In the Uni-Flator you can sleep in it, relax in it, play inside and outside, even play sports. The amount of things oyu cna do with it is crazy. With the Uni-Flator it comes with a safe crash helmet just in case you want to crash into walls. For this product we are selling it for $99.98. This may sound like a lot but it is pretty cheap. Why spend $199 when you can spend $99.98 instead. 

To make this product it cost $48. The fabric is $5, air pump ( to blow the thing up) is $13 and packaging is $10. Why is the product better is because it is not a thing you are going to wear once. Our's is better that Party City's because theirs is feels rushed while our's take time.

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